All our QR codes are dynamics. You can modify them at any time. They will automatically update themselves as soon as your users scan them... without having to repring each time!
The deadline for print comes earlier than the actual campaing?
No Problem! Create your QR code with dummy content and sent it for printing, you can modify its content later.
Never worry about typos
You can edit the content of your QR code as many time as you want, event after your marketing campaign is launched.
Change your QR code on the go
For example, a QR code first used to display your restaurant menu can suddenly redirect to your freshly created website in two clicks.
Website URL
Redirects to a web page or website
Connect the user to a Wi-Fi network.
Coworking spaces, cafes, meeting rooms…
Easily share your Instagram page
Share text
Display a PDF
Very useful for print communication campaigns
Share a video file
Share multiple images
Social Media
A customizable landing page that lists all your social networks
Developers use it a lot to promote their apps
Save contact to the phone scanning
Send a WhatsApp message
Get more likes on Facebook
A customizable landing page that displays the menu of a restaurant and bar
To stick on a table corner!
Share an audio file
Make a call
Send a pre-configured email
A customizable landing page that highlights your app and redirects to app stores
Developers use it a lot to promote their apps
Business Profile
Personal profile page
Ask for rating
A landing page that allows you to collect user feedback.
Very useful for launching/testing a service or product
Business Page
A customizable landing page that showcases your business
Perfect for a flyer!
A customizable landing page with a promotional code
Perfect for building customer loyalty!
Link tree
Share multiple links
A customizable landing page to register for an event
Webinars, events, openings…
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